Chapter 40

The police station,located inside City Hall,was fairly new—built less than ten years ago,I was pretty sure.A mixture of red brick,gray stone,and a textured white stone covered the large building,with a domed top in the middle of an otherwise flat roof and floor-to-ceiling windows in the front,on either side of the double entrance doors,and on the sides of the structure.

When we walked through the doors,a loud ringing began.A large,bearded police officer who looked like he could crush me with one squeeze stopped us.

“Empty your pockets,”he ordered.

I had only my wallet and phone,but Jeff had his wallet,phone,keys,a folded piece of paper,and his class ring.He always wore that thing,so it surprised me to see it off his finger.

Once the officer confirmed we weren’t carrying anything dangerous,he let us through the metal detectors.Jeff asked for directions,and he pointed us down a hallway.The marble floors gleamed,and I felt a little guilty for even walking on them.