Chapter 46

I wrapped my arms around her,pulling her close.“I’m sorry Pamela.”She sniffled against my shirt.“I think Mom would want me to go to college.And,hey,I’ll stay with you guys during holidays and birthdays.And visit on some weekends,too.”

She pulled back and looked at me warily.“You will?Promise?”

“Promise.And I also promise to call at least once a week,okay?And you can text me or call me anytime.”

Her lips curved into a small smile and she wiped at the tears on her cheeks.“Okay.”

At the sound of footsteps,we glanced to see someone from the kitchen crew bringing out a bag of trash.

“Sorry,”the guy muttered as he hurried past us.

“No problem,”I told him,then looked at Pamela.“Ready to get back inside?”

“Yeah.Grandma’s probably already worried.She’s a little overprotective.”

“She’ll probably loosen up soon.She’s been through a lot,too,”I gently reminded her.“Just give her a little time.”

She blew out her breath and wiped at her face again.“I will.Thanks.”