Chapter 50

The next week flew by as I settled into a routine.My“new normal,”as Judy called it.I returned to working at the theater and got caught up with the classes I’d missed the days I was out.I also got my car registered,but mostly I rode with Jeff in his truck.I’d become used to it.

We cleared out Judy’s office,moving most of the items to her bedroom and some to the basement.Kevin had agreed to help us move my furniture on Saturday,so we planned on picking him up around eight.

As we headed to his house,I got a text.I pulled my phone,surprised to see it was from Jon.

Jon:Heard you’re moving furniture today.Need an extra pair of hands?

Me:That’s sweet,but you’re too far away.Don’t worry about it.

Jeff glanced at me,so I showed him the phone.“Jon volunteering to help.Kevin must have told him.I wouldn’t ask him to drive this far.”

“Whatever.He’d do it,”he ground out.

“What isyour problem with Jon?”I asked,exasperated.