Chapter 55

He kissed down my jawline and wrapped his arm tighter around my waist.“We do.Were you thinking dirty thoughts?”

I laughed awkwardly.It all seemed so surreal.“Yes,”I admitted and moaned as he licked my neck.My hands roamed his back.I loved how the muscles bunched and flexed and smoothed out as he held me close and moved against me.

“I’ve wanted to do this for so long,baby,”Jeff confessed.

Just then,his phone pinged.

“Probably the shopping list from your mom,”I said.

He slipped the phone from his pocket and glanced at the screen.“Yeah.”He cocked his head at me.“Your call.Groceries now or…fun?”

“If we get the groceries out of the way,we can have the rest of the day.”My body didn’t agree.My cock throbbed so hard it almost hurt.

“Okay.”He twisted his lips.“I know you’re being smart,but I’d rather stay in.”


Reluctantly,we got ready,then left for the store.Jeff handed me his phone so I could go over the list,longer than I thought it would be.Lots of vegetables.