Chapter 57

When he groaned and shuddered,I leaned in and finally nuzzled the wiry bush at the base of his cock.A strong musky scent filled my nose,mixed with his body wash and something hard to describe.Something that was just Jeff.I took another deep sniff.

“And you smell so incredible.”I tongued the skin showing through that bush.Encouraged by the resulting moan,I licked at the junction where his leg met his hip.He shuddered more,and I wrapped my arms around his waist and licked the other side.

“God.I’m going to lose it,”he told me.

I smiled and pulled back.I wanted to take him in my mouth,but something stopped me.But I still licked his crown when more creamy liquid beaded at the slit.

Suddenly,he pulled away and sat next to me,pulling me onto his lap so I straddled him.

He kissed me,his tongue quickly claiming mine.I leaned into him,surrendering to the kiss.I thrust my cock against his belly,only the thin fabric of my boxers separating us.

He growled softly,pushing back.“Stop.”