Chapter 62

“Do you want a taste?”

He shook his head.“I’m…not ready.”

I gave him a smile.“Let me know when you are.”

He cleared his throat.“You’d really do anything with me?”

Surprised he wouldn’t know that,I kissed his lips.“Of course.I trust you completely.”

With a sharp intake of breath,he trembled.“I trust you,too.”

I cuddled against his chest,not caring we smeared our mess all over ourselves.We’d clean up in a few minutes.This seemed important to Jeff.To both of us.“Now tell me,my sexy alpha man,what is it you want?”

He trembled.“I like that…what you just called me.”He gave a nervous laugh.

“My sexy alpha man?You are,Jeff.I’ll confess something also…I love that you take control most of the time.I don’t mean I want to becontrolled,like with whips and chains.I just like that you’re more dominant.Does that make sense?”

His lips came down in a crushing kiss.I threw my hand around his waist,stroking his back,where I loved all the muscles.