Chapter 65

Russell Adams was having a party at the downtown hotel where prom was being held and had invited us.I didn’t even ask how he was able to rent the room.He was Russell Adams.Things always seemed to go his way.

When I’d talked with Jeff about stopping by the party after prom,he hedged around the question and never really answered.It was weird,but I’d let it go.

Now,as I dressed in my room,I couldn’t stop smiling.I’d never told anyone outside of my family that I loved them.But I had no doubt about how I felt about Jeff.Maybe prom would be the perfect night to say the words.The more I thought about it,the more excited I became.I loved him so much and it was important he knew.

I also knew I wanted to finally give myself to him.We’d been moving toward that every time we’d been intimate,but we’d never crossed that line.I enjoyed everything we did and wanted to finally be one with him.

That night when we got home from the dance,I would share my plans with him.