Chapter 74

By the time we’d arrived at the large auditorium across town and put on our gowns,it seemed everyone else was ready.The large room looked filled to capacity.


We turned in tandem to see Kevin waving.“Hey!”

Jeff and I wove through the throng of teens in black gowns and joined him.

“You guys going to Russell’s party tonight?”

Jeff nodded.“Wouldn’t miss it.Are you?”

“Yes.”He whispered clandestinely,“Lily’s going to be there.I asked her.”

I slapped his shoulder.“That’s awesome!”

He grinned.“And get this,she’s going to Central,too.I got my acceptance letter yesterday.Finally.”

I was thrilled for him.He seemed pretty excited about it,too.

“Jon got accepted,too.So we’re going to room together.”

“That’s great,Kevin.Right Jeff?”

“Yeah,”he managed to spit out without sounding too much like an ass.

“Anyway,I need to find Lily.See you guys at the party.”

“See you,”we told him.

“Jeff,”I began,but he stopped me with his hand.