The waiter winked at Nolan and left the table.Nolan watched his retreat before his eyes made their way back to the corner booth where the two men were now sharing a dessert.They were laughing as they playfully fed each other bites of gelato.No one in the restaurant was paying them any attention.There were no mean looks,no huffy protests.Two men were enjoying a romantic and playful meal together in public and the world had not stopped spinning.Nolan found himself wondering if being gay was really that big a deal.The men sharing their meal didn’t seem to think so.The waiter seemed pretty cool with flirting with another guy.
Nolan took a long hard appraising look at Ashley as she prattled on about herself while picking at her expensive feast and he came to the conclusion that Ashley was a dreadful person and he hoped he never had to spend another second in her presence.“Will you excuse me please?”
“I guess,but that’s very rude to get up during a meal.Hurry right back.”