The cheese dip tasted delicious,and Dana was sad to see the waiter appear to take the pot away once all the croutons and vegetables were gone.Next came a pot of boiling oil.“Ne touchez pas,”he said,followed quickly by,“No touch,s’il vous pla?t.Is very hot.”
“God,I don’t really cook,”Dana admitted as another server set down a plate of raw steak and shrimp.The thought holding the meat in the oil long enough to cook it properly was intimidating.
But the waiter had a cheat sheet he set on the table,a little menu with instructions on how long to hold what kind of meats in the oil to cook them perfectly.“C’est facile,”he assured her.
Dana frowned up at him.
“It’s easy,”he translated.
“Yeah,I got that.”She still wasn’t quite sure she’d be able to pull it off.
But Bethany was game,spearing a piece of shrimp and dipping it into the oil.The pot had two small timers on its base,one on either side of the table.Bethany set hers to three minutes.“You try,”she urged Dana.