Ever since Helen Melville and I had broken up last month,I’d been restless.The need had been building within me,lately,for something…I wasn’t sure how to name it.I wanted more than just a simple relationship,but I didn’t know what that meant.
I had no preference as to gender,either.I could be comfortable with a girl.Or a guy.Or two guys.That last one,though,was the stuff of dreams,something I longed to experience,but it remained firmly in my fantasies.
I’d never shared by secret desires with anyone.It was something I’d kept to myself,unsure of how others would thinkof me if they found out.I’d probably be mortified if it becamepublic knowledge.I sometimes wondered if I was a pervert.Was there something wrong with me?
I worked as a stylist at a high-end salon and came across my fair share of hot men and women looking for the perfect“do”before that ever important date.Or interview.Or their mirror at home.So I had my pick of the cream of the crop,if I so chose.
Most of the time,I snickered to myself as I took care of a client’s hair.Some of the stories they came up were exaggerated,mainly in an attempt to impress me.I’d met Helenthat way,actually.
She’d sashayed to my chair,hips doing a flirty wiggle beneaththat short skirt of hers.Helen had taken the chair before me with a flair,and proceeded to tell me about her two male roommates who got it on regularly,and sometimes had her join in.
It had all sounded sexy as hell to me,and I’d thought she was the luckiest girl in the world,having two guys at her disposal,for real.And it made me feel I wasn’t so weird,after all.Her hair appointment ended with a date and the rest was history.
Turned out,she’d lied about the roommates.She used that lineto pick up potential sex partners,exhibiting her inner freak.I was back to feeling weird.
And the truth of it was,I’d only wanted her because of the men she’d said were in her life.Once I admitted that to myself,the relationship ended.Her“me,me,me”attitude hadn’t helped much either,and really,all she’d ended up being was a pretty face and a hot lay.She left,and I went back to nights with my vibrator,gay porn,and my fantasies of two men in my bedroom fucking each other,with me in the middle.What relationship could top that?
The guy before Helen—Sheldon—had been a major stud,but not too bright.He’d been great in bed,and sweet.But frankly,it was my vivid imagination of him fucking another male that had me coming most nights when we were together,and not much else.
It seemed that only my dreams of being with two guys at once ever truly satisfied me,and I wasn’t sure what to do about that.That stuff wasn’t real,was it?
“Angie,I have a special client for you.”I looked up from where I’d been cleaning my tools of the trade to see my boss,Ramone Synclair escorting a tall,gorgeous man toward my chair.He was the stuff of pornos,my personal wet dream because I was sure he was either gay or bi.There was just something about hisaura that made me think that.
“This is Charlie Dulcet,a friend of mine who’s heard of your skill with hair and wanted you to gift him with the perfect lookfor a charity event this evening.He’s all yours,my dear.”With that,he blew me a kiss and left.
Did I mention that I was very good at my job?Whether it was the dexterity of my fingers or my ability to choose the perfect hairstyle for every shape face imaginable,I had a roster of people who would only come to me to get their hair done.And the tips were damn good,too.
“Nice to meet you,Angie,”Charlie said,bringing me back to the present,and the knowledge that my panties were wet.
“Same here,”I replied.“Please sit.”
“Thank you.”Charlie arranged his jean-clad legs before him once he got comfortable in the chair.
“Do you prefer to be called Mr.Dulcet,or Charlie?”I asked as I placed a plastic cape around him,securing it at his neck with the Velcro strip.
“Charlie is fine.”
Yes,you are,was my naughty thought.
I used my foot to pump the lever that would raise the chair a little.Once it was at a height that I could work with,I set about creating the perfect hairstyle for his features,trying not to dwell on the fantasies that seemed to swirl in my brain about this man I’d just met.
It was probably because he was ideal,or at least one of my ideal men in the many scenarios I’d had about the perfect tryst.The other man would be as tall as he,or perhaps just a tiny bit shorter,with a little less bulk and fitting him just right.
I would watch from the bed or perhaps a chair as they fucked each other over the edge of the mattress,and then finger myself to a strong release that would shake me to bits.Then both men would take me between them and have their way with me.
All these thoughts and more ran through my mind while my hands were steady and sure on Charlie’s hair.I glanced up from time to time to assess my progress and make sure he was comfortable.I made sure not to hold his eye for long,lest he guess at my desire.Each time I caught his glance in the mirror,however,he had a smirk on his face as he watched me work.
Our conversation throughout was banal,but I had the feeling that his indifference was studied and deliberate.I was a good judge of character,and positive he was playing with me,for some reason.
Did he know the effect he had on me?How could he?My panties were soaked now,just being in his presence and the possibilities he held in my mind,and it was all I could do not to excuse myself and finish rubbing my throbbing clit in a bathroom stall.
I finished my task and then,removing the cape and brushing off his face and collar to get rid of stray hairs,I stood back and awaited his verdict.
“Perfect!”he said,and I was glad.“You truly are as gifted as Ramone claimed.”
I felt myself blush—something I rarely ever did anymore at theripe old age of twenty-eight.“Thank you.I’m glad you like it.”I wrote the fee on a slip of paper and handed it to him to take to the cashier.“I hope your event is a success,”I offered,and silently accepted the hefty cash tip he gave me.
“It will be,but I need a date.Are you free tonight?”