Chapter 9

There was indeed a flash and poor Peony, still very small, even though she was full-sized, ducked behind Lilit.

“See,” said Jacob. “Nothing to be frightened of and if you come here, you can see yourselves.”

He waited until the fairies had drawn nearer and then held the camera up to show the recorded image. “There you are,” he said.

There were oohs and ahhs from the fairies as they examined themselves in the photo. As Jacob’s first fairy photo, of Kellen, had captured nothing more than a burst of light, Jacob was quietly surprised that this one had worked out. Perhaps the fact that the camera flash had startled Kellen had something to do with the first photo being unsuccessful. It was possible the camera had simply caught the energy Kellen had expended while changing form.

“How is this possible?” asked Lilit.

“What are you going to do with us?” asked Peony timidly. “Are we to be slaves?”