“It could be,” said Kellen, maintaining his attention on the way ahead, his eyes scouring the shadows. “But not for you. Once inside, we won’t need you until it’s time to leave. You’ll wait by the gate for our return.”
“And afterwards? When we’re back here?”
“We’ll open the doorway back to your world, as King Utrin promised, and you’ll be free to leave.”
Jacob’s mind filled with all manner of thoughts. “Aren’t you afraid I’ll tell my world about what happened to me? I have pictures.”
Kellen glanced at him, his expression unchanged, neutral. “You don’thave pictures. You know you don’t have pictures. And besides, you won’t remember anything about us when you return to your world. Not in any detail. You might experience a sensation of bewilderment, a vague memory of something happening, but nothing more.”
“How come? What are you going to do to me?”