Chapter 10

After a couple tugs by the tide, my toes can’t reach the sand. I lay back and let my feet float level with my shoulders, shutting my eyes against the sun. The waves rock me gently, now against Cole, now away from him, and shortly I feel his hands under me, one between my shoulders and one half-supporting, half-groping my ass. I smile without opening my eyes and, thus protected, give myself over to the sense of weightlessness. The sea is calm, the water is warm, and I am as One with the big blue marble. I don’t worry about my job. I don’t worry about my eyes. I don’t worry about sweetened condensed milk. I float, free of everything but Cole, whose breath I feel and hear and taste as this moment, known to the two of us alone, becomes Everything. I sigh, noisy and deep, and the air rushing from my lungs takes my buoyancy with it. I settle into Cole’s arms and he carries me in.