Chapter 23

Having wrestled his ethics back into line, he regretfully said, “Thank you for the offer, but I can’t accept money from you.”

“Why not? I mean, I know I can’t pay you a huge amount—I’m still sending money to my dad every month. But I’m paying two rents right now—the boarding house and the garage space. If I moved in here, it might cost me less, and I could pass those savings on to you.”

Owen’s eyes widened in surprise. He’d certainly misread the situation. “You want to rent the house?”

“Well, not the whole house. How about the garage to start with? I could pay you to store my car for the winter. And then, if you think it would be okay, I could rent that back bedroom once the cats are moved out. I have to tell you, I’m so tired of eating at the diner, I’d just about kill to have access to a kitchen again. And I’m not a bad cook—my brothers and I always pitched in for family dinners.”

The wistful look on Marc’s face struck a chord in Owen.