Chapter 26

He heard the door open and Owen calling for him, fear deepening his voice.

Marc leaned out the exam room door and yelled, “Back here. Bring him here.”

Owen came running in, his face pale, his eyes wide and anxious. He was clutching a blanket-wrapped pile of orange that he gently laid on the exam table.

Marc flipped the blanket off and took his first look at his patient. His stomach sank. Shit. The cat was worse than Owen had described. Pupils dilated, barely breathing, just an occasional twitch in his limbs. Marc grabbed his stethoscope and listened for a heartbeat—one, a long pause, two, a longer pause, then nothing. He kept listening, hoping. But nothing. This was the part he hated. “Owen, I’m sorry. It’s too late. He’s gone.”

Marc watched as the desperate hope burning in Owen’s eyes was extinguished with tears. “No. Oh, no.” Owen moaned in sorrow as he leaned over the table and gathered Gideon to him.