“Ninety degrees,” Taya reported on the progress of the turn. A moment later, she said, “One twenty.”
Barb watched the display, seeing a representation of the ship turning in a circle, degrees counting up.
“One hundred eighty degrees.” Taya cut the power to the thrusters, which had been turning the ship, then, more slowly, to the thrusters on the bottom of the ship, which had been keeping them hovering. The ship settled gently to the floor of the cave. “And we’re down.”
Barb sank back in her seat, but Taya was still working.
“Grab the flashlight under your seat,” Taya ordered. “I’m cutting main power.”
Barb scrambled for the flashlight even as the displays began to go dark. The lights went out, and dim emergency lighting kicked in a second later. Then the air blowers cut out.
“How long?” Barb asked.