“Any sign?” she asked Taya over the open communications line.
“Yes.” Taya’s voice was tight. “Got them on sensors, heading for us fast. Must have picked up our energy signature as soon as we powered up. I’m setting course for the orbital.”
“Will they catch up to us before we reach it?”
“Yes. Get ready to do your thing, Peaches.”
“I’m ready.”
Ten tense minutes passed. The airlock cycle finished, all the air pumped out, and the outer door waited on standby to open. Taya kept reporting on Locke’s ship closing in. Coming into visual range. Coming into weapons range.
An instant later, the ship rocked.
“Firing,” Taya said. “Half power. You may be right about them wanting to take us alive.”
“The nearer we get to the orbital, the less fussy they’ll be about that. Slow down.”
“Let them think they’ve damaged us. If I’m going to hit that ship, I’m going to need it to be right up our ass.”
“Why don’t I just stop then?”