Chapter 4

I willed myself to move, calling up every ounce of strength I had left to roll back onto my stomach. I rested a moment to catch my breath. When I felt ready, I struggled onto my elbows, pushing myself up and back into a kneeling position. From there I used my arms to lever myself onto my feet. With a final surge of will-power I heaved myself into a standing position.

On unsteady legs I stood swaying on the sand. Only after I felt strong enough did I put one foot in front of the other and walk towards the trees roughly ten metres from where I was by the waters’ edge. Hopefully I’d find a stream or a pool of water, and food of some description. I was desperate to slake my thirst; desperate to feel the cool trickle of fresh water wash down my throat. I wanted to clean the salt off my body and ease the sting of my sunburn.