I was so confused. I was both relieved that I was almost there and sorry my trip was over. Just think of what I would have missed if I’d taken the train. Although…later I heard the very train I would have been on had derailed halfway here! I might have been killed! You just never know.
Relaxing in the wagon I almost wished I really had gone back in time; things must have been so much easier then, in some ways. I wished I were young enough to believe it had happened; think how cool that would have been. And I would have pretended to be—or would I really have been—so shocked when it proved to just be a coincidence. Still, when we pulled up in front of Aunt Sophie’s farmhouse and she and her friend came out on the porch dressed in clothes from the last century, my heart did flips, I started to have a panic attack and Jimmy put his paw on my lap. The driver looked at me sternly. “Don’t be nervous,” he said. “They’re just lesbians. Ain’t nothing to be afraid of.”