Chapter 10

She agrees with me. “I don’t, and never have.”

“And why not?”

“Because he hurt my niece, and I have adored that woman since she was just a baby girl. I’ve always considered her my daughter. Trent had no right to fuck around with Peter. How dare he let his pecker out to play on that boat? And he had no right to deceive my beloved Jessica. Honestly, how can I like a man I can’t even trust? “

“Maybe he didn’t know he was gay at the time,” I add, attempting to sway her strong judgment of the lifeguard.

She turns to me, scowling. “Give me a break. That’s bullshit and you know it. You can’t be engaged to a lovely woman like my niece and have a man suck your cock at the same time, Storm. Let me remind you that Peter had Trent’s entire dick down the back of his throat. I hate to speak so boldly, Storm, but sometimes a woman has to. Forgive me.”