Chapter 2

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The door opened and her Bryan walked in. Gracie was overjoyed to see him. She ran to him and jumped up. He picked her up and held her close. She licked his face.

Rob came out of the eating room. “Hi, stud. Did you miss me? I sure missed you. Put the dumb dog down and I’ll show you how much.”

“Don’t call her that. You’ll hurt her feelings.”

“Yeah, right! Please put the sweetlittle poochie down then.”

Gracie didn’t know the words but she knew they made Bryan happy so she was happy, too.

Bryan put her down and then put his arms around Rob and pressed his lips on Rob’s just like Rob had done to the new man. She saw Rob wiggle his body against Bryan’s like he was wagging his tail. She thought that was silly as he didn’t have a tail.

“That’s a pretty special greeting,” Bryan said. “You must have had a good day.”

“Yeah, you could say that,” Rob replied.