Chapter 5

Maybe that’s it. Maybe if Bryan had another human to be with he would be happy all the time again. Only the new human had to be nicer than Rob. But how could she help Bryan find someone like that?

As she lay on the floor of the eating room listening to the men talk and watching Bryan be happy, she started to doze off.

She was at Dog Park. There were many dogs running around, barking and playing. And there were many humans there, too.

Gracie opened her eyes. Humans! The place called Dog Park has dogs andhumans!

Gracie picked her head up and looked at Bryan. One man who smelled like Bryan’s feet before he took a shower was saying, “You really need to put yourself out there again. A hot guy like you shouldn’t be withering away on the vine.”

“I don’t know if I’m ready to find anyone yet.”