Gracie knew “ball.” It was like the game of hide and find she played with Bryan. Only you didn’t hide anything. You just brought the ball back when the human threw it.
Moe must have liked that game because he became very excited—jumping and barking.
His man laughed and threw the ball. It went a long way. Moe ran, got it, brought it back, and dropped it at his man’s feet.
The man picked it up. “Good boy! Here you go.” He threw it again.
Moe ran and got the ball again.
Gracie thought if she could get to the ball first she would take it back to Bryan. Then the big man would come and get it. Bryan could pick him and take him home with them. The next time he threw the ball, Gracie raced Moe to get it first. But he was faster and he got to the ball before she did.
Over and over again when his man threw the ball, Moe would get there before her. Gracie’s legs were just too short.