Chapter 3

Perez hit him enough times that Landon began to lose consciousness. He didn??t fight it.

He woke up in the same little barren cinder block room he??d been in earlier. There was a large chunk of cardboard tossed in one corner and a five gallon bucket in another. He knew exactly what the bucket was supposed to be for. Semi-dried blood crusted about half his face and his left eye was swelling shut. He suspected at least one rib was broken and he probably had a fairly epic concussion. Some water would have helped, even a little.

* * * *

Double checking the contents of his backpack, Trey added a second bag of IV fluid. If Landon was alive, there might be blood loss, shock or a myriad of other problems.

Thompson poked his head into the back of the ambulance. ??You ready to head out? The helicopters are gonna be here in about five minutes.??

??Yeah, I think I??ve got everything but the kitchen sink.??