Chapter 9

The ICU was oddly quiet at the moment and Trey sat immobile just holding Landon??s hand in his.

* * * *

The standard hospital room was quieter than the ICU but Landon could still hear people in the hallway outside. A nurse had brought him breakfast, but he didn??t want any of it except the coffee and the toast. He was poking the anonymous fruit substance in a cup when Craig Martinez showed up

??You look a little better, not quite so death warmed over this morning.?? Craig gave him a smile.

??Nobody will give me a straight answer on how much longer I??m going to be stuck here.??

??Don??t ask me. Not my area of expertise,?? Craig teased, then he sobered. ??When you do get out we??re going to have to start the debrief. We had expected a nice smooth extraction where you just up and vanish, not the totally cover-blow clusterfuck.??

??My cover??s not entirely blown.??

??What? You got tortured and half killed.??