??How much information do you think she actually has access to? Typically the people that run the cartels pick ??em pretty and brainless.??
??She??s not typical. She??s a very bright woman in an impossible situation. She was a teen prostitute before she caught Sotolongo??s eye. She manipulates him, up to a point. He could have killed her or just maimed and discarded her years ago.?? It hurt Landon to say that, no matter how true it was. ??Most of the time she manages to skate the line that keeps him happy enough to keep her around.??
??I have to admit, it takes balls or uh, ovaries to call a phone number you??re pretty sure is connected to the cops and just leave a message,?? said Craig. ??You??re sure she??s pregnant with your kid???
??Ninety-eight percent. There??s a tiny random chance it??s Sotolongo??s.??
??Okay. Go finish the search warrant request.??