7638 North Lake Street
I ended the call with Officer Tanner, placed my phone back on the night stand in Matthew’s studio apartment, and asked Matthew, “You want to go a crime scene with me?”
He passed me a bottle of beer and gave me the funniest look of question, which entailed scrunching his eyebrows and pursing his lips. “What are you talking about, Knight?”
I told him about Officer Jim Tanner’s call and how I had to leave. “This is how I work. Spur of the moment stories are given to me and I have to respond. Jim is helpful that way. The police officer is keeping me in a job.”
“Jamie Bodice is an official for the ESFL, right?”
I nodded. “And Francine’s current boyfriend. Or, I think he is. I’m not really sure. But I know they are sleeping together.”
The adorable redhead climbed into bed with me, opened his beer, took a long sip, and said, “I’m going to have to pass. I have to be at the gym at six in the morning. I’m flattered you asked, though, but I can’t accept.”