Chapter 35

“I’m sorry, too. I didn’t mean to snap.”

Mark smiled, kissing him gently. “You’re forgiven. Now, food then pills, and you’ll be back to your normal cheery self.”

“I’m cheery?”

“Eh, sometimes, when you’re not trying to save the world.”

Paul laughed, perused the menu, and told Mark what he wanted.

After Mark placed their orders, he rejoined Paul, turning on the TV. “We made the news last night, or rather a gang fight at a meth house did.”

“That works. I feel sorry for the poor neighbors. They’re going to wonder who else is living near them now.” Paul’s phone rang just then, in the bedroom where he’d left it. When he started to get up, Mark put a hand on his shoulder to stop him and went to get it. It stopped ringing just as he picked it up but he took it back to Paul anyway.