Chapter 3

“Marriage? We’re too young to be thinking about stuff like that.”

“No, we’re not. This is right between us. I know you feel it, too. You’re the only one for me, always will be. Let’s build a life together.” I reached over to stroke his shoulder, but he evaded my touch and got up. He had a deer-in-the-headlights look on his face.

“Yes, we aretoo young. I love you, Roycie, truly. But we’re adults now, with the world at our feet. I think we should experience life a little, find out if we’re really meant to be together.”

“I don’t need to experience life to know you’re it for me. Are you scared?”

“I’m notscared! I just think we should give it some time before we…”

“Unbelievable!So when were you planning to tell me ‘oh hey, Roycie, I love fucking your ass but school’s over now, and I want to see other people. Nice knowing you.’”

“What? I wasn’t ‘planning’ anything! Look, that came out wrong. All I’m saying is…”