Chapter 39

“I’m being serious. You are a nice man, Danny, who puts his own needs second to those of everyone else.”

“Are you complaining that I should be more selfish?”

“I’m not complaining at all. I just think you deserve to be put first, for a change. Your needs should be at the front of the line every now and then.”

“Well, if I were to put my needs first right now, I’d still be exactly where I am—with you.” That was as much of a declaration as Danny dared make with no inkling of Evan’s feelings. But with only two weeks left until the wedding, Evan was going to have to decide soon: go through with the marriage or leave. As for Danny, he’d already decided. He whole-heartedly wanted Evan.

Eyes guarded, Evan just nodded without responding to Danny’s words. All he said was, “I guess I’m ready to go make nice again. Lead on.”

Disappointed, Danny still smiled, and the two men left the garage to head back to the party.