
Later,when they lay together in bed,Lisa snuggled against Nick and said,“Let’s talk about Ray.”

She felt Nick tense beneath her.“What about him?”

“Have you two ever…you know,fooled around?”she asked.

His arm tightened around her shoulders.“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Bullshit.”Lisa slapped his chest playfully.“I told you all about me and Beth.So‘fess up.You and Ray.”

Nick shrugged.“There isn’t really anything to tell.”

“‘Isn’t really anything’and‘nothing’aren’t exactly the same,”she pointed out.“How about this?I ask a question,and you give me the answer.It’ll be yes or no,nothing elaborate.”Silently she added,At least,not yet.

Nick didn’t respond,which she took for assent.

“Have you and Ray ever done it before?”she started.

“Done what?”Nick countered.

So he was going to play hard ball.She could,too.Her hand drifted down his chest,over his stomach,to curl through the kinked hair at his crotch.“Have you ever kissed him?”she amended.Best to start small.