Chapter 53

Maybe Gavin knows of some. He works at the college; he’s around art students all the time. Now that they’ve done one show, Gavin might notice others advertised on campus…

As if thinking of him calls him up, Brody’s phone chirps with a new text message. He has to stretch across to the bedside table to snag it, then sits back to read the text. Just as he thought, it’s from Gavin.

M outside. Come down.

Brody frowns at the phone, then glances at the alarm clock. He’s here now?

Setting the sketchpad aside, Brody hurries to pull on the pair of black cargo pants pooled on the floor. His roommate probably wouldn’t mind if he ran down to answer the front door in his boxers, but if Gavin isn’t planning to stay long, he doesn’t want to have to run back upstairs to get dressed before coming outside. Did he say come outside? Brody checks the text again—come down. A second later, he hears a distant knock on the front door.