Chapter 3

Seeing what they got up to tonight had me wondering what they get up to when the doors are closed. And then, like a lightning bolt, I woke up. I remembered that she said he’d be leaving early in the morning. Where was he going?

I must admit I didn’t pay much attention to them and their goings on, but now I was more than interested. Not many people would abuse the hospitality of their guests by swimming unashamedly naked in their pool. If they did that, what else might they be interested in?

I thought she might be lonely while he was gone and what I could do, or dare to do, while he was away. I stayed up until daylight. When I heard his car leave, I snuck downstairs. Butterflies were doing the lambada in my stomach. Did I dare make a move on her? I made my way to the door and hesitated. What was I thinking? What if she started screaming when she saw me?