
The whirring of the hairdryer brought me out of my trance.I’d been so into my fantasy that I hadn’t noticed she’d gotten out of the spa and was now drying off her wet hair.

She looked amazing,standing there naked in the full light of the overhead lamp.She came towards the window and I almost knocked the glass trying to get out of sight.She opened the window to allow the steam to leave the room and left the blind up.Light spilled onto the lawn area.I hoped she wouldn’t notice the crumpled plants.

She padded towards her bedroom.The blind was up and the lace curtains were only half drawn.I was hoping she wouldn’t check,that she’d think the blind was down and I could observe and see what she would get up to in the privacy of her bedroom.

I was rewarded for my patience when out of her cupboard she dragged a box.Rummaging through,she pulled out a huge black vibrator.I gasped in shock I can tell you.That was certainly not what I’d expected from her.