Chapter 19

“My skill level?” she parroted. “I have forgotten more skills than your precious Michigan Law knows how to teach. And I wouldn’t be popping off about ‘skills’ if I were you, considering that socially you are an overgrown ape in a crew cut who doesn’t have any.”

He wheeled to face her. “And what’s thatsupposed to mean? This from a woman who can’t be bothered to teach her son to return a telephone call.”

“This has nothing to do with Ashok,” she said. “Who, by the way, I happen to know you enticed into your lair before you blew him off. If you weren’t interested, Danny, all you had to do was say so, instead of leading him on to satisfy your depraved needs.”

“My ‘lair?’ My ‘depraved needs?’ This is how we’re talking to each other now? What am I, a B-movie vampire? He’s the one, by the way, who won’t call me back. How exactly is that me blowing him off?”