Chapter 24


“That gold ball on your desk.”

“Oh, that. It’s a paperweight.” He made a short note in her folder and looked up. “What did you think it was?”

“A paperweight,” she said. Sometimes a paperweight is just a paperweight.

Emily said something that broke into her reverie.

“I’m sorry. What did you say?”

“I said if I had a crystal ball, I’d look into it and tell you how this weekend will end.”

“But you don’t?”

“No, not even my Ouija.” Emily flashed her roommate a smile. “If I knew I’d certainly tell you.”

Despite her earlier misgivings, Meeda found herself warming to this kind and seemingly artless young woman.

“Tell me, Meeda, what do youthink of this place?”

“Honestly? I feel as though I’m locked in a fairy story, in a castle overlooking my kingdom.”

“With a prince off somewhere in the wings, waiting to kiss you?”

“No,” Meeda said. “I gave up on princes when I married a frog.”

Emily laughed. “And you have a sense of humor. I’m learning some things here.”