Chapter 27

“Not much more.”

“You mentioned a man called David once in group, the one your sister took away from you. You said you were in love. Were you? Is that true or—”

Sarah took her time responding. “There might be more to my story. Maybe when I know you better.”

“I’ve got plenty of time,” Vera said. “I’ll get it out of you sooner or later.”

“That’s the spirit, honey. You’re starting to show a little spunk. Fighting back.”

“Good to know. Do you mind if I keep the light on while I read a little?”

“I’ll be fast asleep in a few minutes, and won’t even notice. Hope you don’t mind an old lady snoring.” She pulled up the spread and turned over on her side. “Oh, since we’re windowless in these cells, better keep it on all night. Don’t want to fall and break a hip getting up to pee. That’s the end you know for folks my age.”

“This is strange,” Vera said. ‘What’s a preventorium?”

Sarah turned back to face her. “What?”