“Well, it’s happened anyway. Everyone appears to be getting on famously. Perhaps that’s the main reason they’re making themselves scarce. I don’t think we need to have them under our thumb the whole weekend, do you?” She glanced over at Hal with an expectant look.
Hal started to say something in reply, but for some reason stopped himself.
Katherine wrinkled her nose at him like a rabbit.
Guy thought she was going to stick her tongue out next, but she went on. “You’ll get more out of them in a more relaxed atmosphere. I thought this was the reason for the trip. And if you ask me, we’re mining gold here.”
“I wasn’t asking you,” Hal said with a touch of vitriol.
Whoa. Here it comes. Guy couldn’t wait to hear what she’d say next.
“I know I wasn’t asked. I’m only—”