Chapter 13

In front of the general store, I rein in the horse and jump down off the seat to tie up at the hitching post. I expect Miss Lucille to follow suit; she’s nothing if not independent, and she seemed in quite a hurry to leave the ranch behind. But when I turn from the post I find her still perched prettily on the seat, hands folded in her lap, her head turned pointedly away. I see her gaze flick my way and blush. “Just a moment, ma’am,” I say, hurrying to her side of the cart. I offer her my hand. “Let me help get down from there.”

“Why, thank you, Mr. Nat.” So we’re back to formalities again, though her lips curve into a secret smile before she tamps it down. “I’ll only be a moment or two. Would you accompany me inside?”

How can I say no?