“Sex ed was the worst,” Tanya went on, visually relieved to finally have a non-therapist confidant. “That’s when I really started questioning my gender identity. When my mom gave me the Talk it was like, ‘Gross, but whatever.’ Then there were diagrams and STD lectures and birthing videos.” She gagged and shuddered. “I refused to believe that would happen to me. I didn’t want it to. I liked the idea of sex. What teenager doesn’t? I just liked the stuff the guys got to do more. Keeping track of birth control pills and having boys expect you to be passive sounded…like a prison sentence. Like I said, I have no problem with sex, it’s just…well…one night I had a dream some guy gave me a blowjob, but I had a dick, and realized that was what I preferred.” She scoffed. “Try telling your parents you want to be a boy so you can fuck other boys. That’s a really fun conversation.”
“That’s when they sent you to a psychiatrist?”