Chapter 37

“Fuck,” Flynn muttered.

“And this, boys and girls—and variations thereof—is why you should never let your guard down for a minute,” Matt said matter-of-factly. “Just because you are in a fortress in the middle of a jungle and it took you weeks to find it does not mean you cannot be found.”

Jeremy glowered at Matt. “Were we bugged? Has he been tracking us this whole time?”

Matt rolled his eyes. “‘Bugged?’ What do you think this is, a GURPS campaign? Yes, you’ve been tracked, but there is no Moghmor NSA tapping your phones or anything like that.” He pretended to look at an invisible watch. “Oh, and in the time you’ve spent standing around fretting, they’ve already gotten inside.”

“Fuuuck,” Tanya groaned. “Why didn’t the thorns get them?”