Chapter 51

“What happened?!” Raul demanded.

“I got you your proof of reprehensible behavior,” Gloria said with a grin, wiggling her phone. She pushed a button and the recording started.

Alvin was in the middle of speaking, and his voice was muffled as though the phone had been in her pocket while it taped him. “—can see you’ve got talent, and spunk to boot!”

Gloria snorted contemptuously. “And anyone can see you’re so full of yourself you could crap out an exact clone if you tried hard enough.”

“Aw, don’t be like that. I’m sure I could do something to change your mind about me. How about I put your name in for a promotion?”

“If I want a promotion, I’ll ask for one myself, thanks.”

“Yes, but I could put in a good word. You would be sure to get it.”

“Why do I get the feeling you’re not that generous?”