Cunningham’s voice was softer. “IA tells me you won’t reveal who threw the flashbang that started that fire.”
“We don’t know who threw it. There were a lot of flashbangs going off.”
“You’re protecting him.”
“The department can handle a lawsuit; hell, we’ve got three lawyers on staff. But my guys don’t deserve a private civil suit on top of all the other crap they put up with.”
“I’d like to see a draft of your apology in my e-mail by end of day.”
“How is that we end up apologizing to the criminals, Kim? Why does that happen?”
“Those children weren’t criminals, they were innocent victims—”
“You can’t tell me that Dr. Meth didn’t have those kids as runners. I’m not buying it. That ten-year old stood his ground and nailed Johnny with a two-by-four when he went in the bedroom. They fought back. Ask the medics who treated my men on scene!”