Chapter 30

“No! We’ll check in every half-hour.” His shoulders squared and he left.

“Tiger turds!” Peter said.

“He’s in game mode,” Steve said. “Pitching a no-hitter or tracking a tiger, you know Jared can laser in on something and stay on it.”

“Let’s just hope we all get through this,” Peter replied. “The cats and the humans.”

* * * *

Jared threw his gear into the minivan and waited for Peter. He knew the other man didn’t want to go after Sultan in the dark, but he felt Sultan would be on the move. He had to go. Peter came out, schlepping a cooler, a catch net, binoculars, and a second tranquilizer gun.

No shotgun.

They drove carefully through the refuge. When they passed Sultan’s cage, Jared got out and looked around, hoping to spot the big cat stretched out on his favorite cypress log perch. No luck.