Leonard Walker, a lanky youngster with a jarhead-haircut spoke up. Like Lawton, he was a former marine who kept the hairstyle. “I shot a bobcat once.” The room tittered.
“What do we need to know about this animal?” Snyder spoke up. “Is it rabid?”
“That’s why I’ve got Dr. Silverman online. He’s a professor of zoology at the university. You there, Doctor?” Lawton had called the head zookeepers at Busch Gardens and Lowry Park, but they were all out of town at a zoologists’ conference in San Diego. Great timing. Silverman was the best he could do.
The speakerphone squealed and a man’s voice came over the line. The sound of children in the background was distracting, but Lawton let it go. He’d asked the professor to take the call at home, imposition enough. “Yes, I’m here.”
“Tell us a little about these animals, what they’re capable of.”