Chapter 76

I took care of myself, I put myself through school, I do not need this man’s approval.

“I’m not sure this is a good idea. There could be repercussions, bad publicity…What if this animal hurts someone?”

“I’ll just be behind the scenes. It’s not like it’s going to be on television minute by minute, you know.”

Wolf sighed and gave in. “All right, Valerie. Do what you need to, then.”

First names: a sign they were back on a friendly footing.

“Thanks, Augustus. I’ll report in as soon as I can and let you know my new schedule.”

“Valerie? That tiger? Be careful.”

“Thanks. I will.”

She dialed more numbers. The people at National Geographic were easier to handle; Marcelo, the VP who’d walked her through orientation was a decent guy, he understood. “Yipes, a Siberian loose? What a mess that could be.”

“Even if it’s not resolved, I willbe on a plane by next Friday. I promise.”