The cub spent one night at Stint’s veterinary clinic and was ready to return to the refuge after a twenty-four-hour IV of saline. His appetite was enormous; he would eat until he vomited if they didn’t watch him. They put him on vitamins and calcium supplements to give his bones the strength to grow properly, and within two weeks his back legs began to straighten out.
Juliana offered to stay and assist with feedings. “I’m on vacation this week anyway. Let me give you a hand.”
It was a help. The cub needed constant supervision and feedings every four hours. Several volunteers helped out during the day. Juliana slept on the living room sofa, refusing Jared’s offer of the bed. They took turns doing the midnight and four A.M. feedings. Jared used a baby gate to keep the cub in the kitchen but knew that wouldn’t last much longer. A big air kennel with blankets filled one corner.