Chapter 96

Sultan leaned against his thighs, rubbing his face on Jared’s belly. Heavy, power thrumming in his massive body and Jared petted his big head, then ran his hands over those massive shoulders.

Jared heard the ERT guys at the fence now, clambering over it just as he had. They were in the garden center now, twenty seconds away. Sultan heard them, too. Jared felt the tiger’s shoulders tense against his legs.

Walk him out?

Ridiculous with the noise, people, and commotion. Better to dart him and carry him out. The ERT team moved closer; Jared heard them clomping over the little bridge.

Jared tugged a tranquilizer dart from his belt, eyes focused on Sultan’s left shoulder. He tightened his hold on the leash. “I’ve got to give you a shot, big guy. Don’t be mad. And don’t run, please.”