Chapter 50

“Can you do something for me?” I asked.


“Can you please call Carmen and apologize to her? She’s really upset by everything that happened in Cape May.”

“Yes,” my father said, throwing up his hands. “Fine. I’ll call her. What’s her number?”

To him, Carmen was an afterthought. He didn’t care that he’d hurt her feelings. She wasn’t his kid. I tossed my cell phone to him and told him he could use it to call her.

“You want me to call her now?”

I shrugged. “Why not?”

This was my way of ensuring that the call got made. I wanted to watch him call her and listen to his apology. At least then I’d know it was done.

“Hi, Carmen,” he said after calling her. “No, it’s not Jason. This is Douglas. I’m here with Jason and we just talked and I owe you an apology. I’m sorry for the way I reacted toward you at the beach house and for the accusations I made. I was angry with Jason and I took that out on you.”